Platform Pricing.

Trusted by hundreds of companies:
A free environment to try Airfold.
Most Airfold features.
Capped compute and storage.
No data retention guarantees.
Fast-growing Startups
For startups looking to ship fast.
$512/month per Airfold instance.
$142/month per 500GB storage.
100% of Airfold features.
Automatic scaling.
Access to world-class support engineers.
Migration assistance to Airfold.
SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA compliant.
AWS Private Link available.
Backups every 24h.
Replicated across 3 data centers.
1-hour response time guaranteed.
99.999% uptime.
Accelerate projects from start-to-finish with world-class engineers.
Dedicated world-class support engineers.
End-to-end migration and integration.
Dedicated storage and compute.
Volume discounts.
100% of Airfold features.
SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA compliant.
Can deploy on your cloud.
Backups every 24h.
Replicated across 3 data centers.
1-hour response time guaranteed.
99.999% uptime.

Powering 150+ Companies.

“Airfold is shaking up the world because it enables businesses to build data products 10x faster while reducing costs."
Keywords tracked.
Fortune 500 served.
“Airfold is the most exciting data company since Snowflake and Databricks. It's a significant step up from the status quo."
Events per second.
Companies served.
“Airfold changes everything. We can now easily deliver personalized recommendations to customers in real-time.”
Processed per day.
Data sources.
"There's a good reason Airfold is growing like crazy. The shift to AI and real-time has made Airfold a must-have."
Processed per day.
Real-time dashbaords.
"Working at AWS I can see how Airfold is changing the industry. If you're building in the cloud and not using Airfold, you're in trouble.
Gregory Shulov
Lead Engineer at AWS
“Airfold is quickly becoming the standard for building data products. Enabling teams to build data projects in ways not possible before."
Cayla Schuval
Machine Learning Engineer @ Klaviyo
Backed by the investors of:

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